Knowing which websites rank high is one thing. Getting your links and content on these websites is another. We will help you get your content on websites with high authority rankings and offer Google News submissions. We have built relationships with some of the global top ranking websites and we give you access to having your content and links placed on these.
Get Your Company in Front of Eyes Around the Globe
More Content on More Websites Means More Internet Presence for You
Not all of us are Shakespeare or write for the New York Times. While some of us have been blessed with the ability to write content that grabs the reader, many do not have that ability. We have on staff writers from some of the most well known publications in the world to help supply you content that will entertain and lure readers to your website and help build your audience.
Have your writers produce articles for submission to our website partners
Our professional writers will produce and deliver articles within 3 business days
We know that planning and realization processes of content marketing campaigns aren’t the easiest and quickest part of marketing activity. To make your work a lot faster and effective, we offer you ordering any content marketing campaign in just few minutes. Using Marketin9, you are going through 5 simple steps to grow your internet presence.
Get Your Company in Front of Eyes Around the Globe
More Content on More Websites Means More Internet Presence for You
Or choose one that you have already created earlier
And make the choice of where you want a sponsored article
Upload your own content or use our professional writers
And make the payment as you know the exact costs
We will inform you when the publication is ready to go
When it comes to SEO the saying is true, „Content is King.” We will help you create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action to you and your business. The purpose of our content marketing platform is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. It is an ongoing process that is integrated into your marketing strategy.
Help Get your Product or Service in Front of More Potential Clients
Increased Internet Presence Means More Eyes on Your Brand
Turn Reads into Clicks, Clicks into Leads and Leads into Sales
Whether you are in Costa Rica, the USA or England our content marketing will work for you. We work with a wide range of websites around the globe to help get your ideas and business in front of eyes worldwide. Your audience will increase and so will the global presence of your brand. We have changes the saying Think Globally, Act Locally to Think Globally, Act Globally.
By adding more online content on various websites provided through Marketin9 we were able to generate almost 20% more leads through their content marketing platform, This increase in leads led to an increase in sales which was worth every penny of getting our name in more locations on the Internet.
Through many of the websites on the Marketin9 platform, it includes Google News submission. This ranks high on the Google search engine right away and results were seen immediately. By checking our website analytics we notice a large increase in clicks to our website through these articles.
Writing new content for my blog can be cumbersome at moments. I enjoy writing but from time to time need a little break and a difference voice for my readers. Marketin9?s excellent writers provided the content I needed at a reasonable price, The writers can talk about any subject with expert knowledge.
For SEO purposes we were told that we needed to add 2 to 3 articles a week in order to make sure that Google ranked us high on their search engine. After going through 3 full time writers as employees at our company we found Marketin9 and they provided the content we needed without the responsibility and overhead of a full time employee.
We are a PR Agency that need original content for each and every website that we are responsible for. The design part of website building is the easy part, providing content that grabs the visitors is the tough part. Marketin9 gives us the content we need for any subject and website customer. All we have to do is upload the material to the website when it is complete.